Thursday, May 10, 2012

Amanda Howard: Cross Contour #1 and #2


  1. Amanda, Amanda, Amanda is all I can say. Both vases are excellent. The way in which you have shading and line definition around the edges is amazing. The top ridges of both vases going in different directions capture the curves very well. Excellent job.

  2. Wow Amanda, your line variation is perfect!

    Denise Wilson

  3. Great job Amanda! Your lines are so precise on both drawings! Connie

  4. Both contours are great. The lip of the bottle is amazing! The curvature of the first bottle looks a little slanted on the right but,as always, your work is fantastic.

    From: Riley McEuen

  5. I loved how you did the lips of both of these. looks very 3D. I cant seem to get a grasp of that so props to ya.

  6. Outstanding work Amanda, These are really strong. You seem to have a solid grasp of the idea of cross contour, and these are very 3D. The line quality, spacing, accuracy of the objects are all there. Great work! - Deb

  7. As always, great job. Very clean, very well done. It looks like you really know what you are doing.

    Brittany Jacobs
