Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Brittany Jacobs

Sorry this is late. I am having to upload it from my phone and when I tried to do it at 7:30 I guess I lost service because I just realized that it didn't go through. Luckily I checked it and saw it hadn't loaded.


  1. Hi Brittany, Good work! I like the choice of textures and how you created the composition. It feels as if it needs a little more work to be totally complete..maybe if there was more of the braided rope on the right hand side it would be even stronger. Good job with blending the white and black charcoal..you did this well. I think you could still get a slightly deeper value for your dark value..it might be an issue of what pencil you're using (it should be a 4B or 6B charcoal pencil), or it could be just an issue of over-blending. Either way, if you can get a darker value in there it would be even more dramatic. - Deb

  2. Brittany, I really like the composition. It reminds me of a kite! Great use of highlights to show the direction of the light. Great job! Connie
