Monday, May 21, 2012

Nidia Riley Charcoal, updated


  1. Wow Nidia! This is so creative. I absolutely love your flowers. Great job in showing the highlights, mid-tones and shadows on all of your objects. Great Job!

    From: Amanda Howard

  2. This I gorgeous! I love the transitions into the flowers! The teapot could be a little more accurate but it still looks so interesting. Great job!

    From: Riley McEuen

  3. Nidia, Would it be possible to also post a detail shot so that I can see the detail more? It looks like you did a nice job with the flowers! I think as far as composition, consider additional ways to arrange the objects on the page so that everything isn't centralized in the middle of the page. For example, you could start at the edges and move inward as opposed to starting in the middle. That alone can really change a drawing! Good use of value and getting a good value range. Might be able to include a little more dark values. - Deb

  4. Nidia, this is very creative! The flowers growing out of the knife is very interesting. Good shading and variations of light and dark. Good work! Connie
