Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Riley McEuen Contour One and Two

The proportions are not the same.  Didn't realize it until it was too late.


  1. Riley, you did a wonderful job on both the lighter and phone, I especially like the details of the lighter.

    Denise Wilson

  2. The line quality on both of these is excellent. Really good variation, and you can see what a difference that makes!! My only suggestion for the next two is to look for more interesting objects; both a phone and a lighter are basically a flattened out cylinder...you drew them both well, but your drawing will be even more interesting if you choose something with interesting curves, shapes, surface, variations in texture, etc. Excellent work! Looking forward to seeing the next two. -Deb Karpman

  3. Hey Riley!! I really love your work. Great job! I especially like the lighter. The darker lines really make the image pop!

  4. The previous comment was from Delorious btw.lol

  5. I really think your line variation is well done. I don't think you need to worry about the proportions because you're enlarging the objects to a set size, so a larger object needs less growth to take up the expected amount of paper. Awesome work!
    Brittany Jacobs
    PS I hope that made sense!
