Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cross Contour 1 & 2 by Brandye Parrott


  1. Shew! wasnt this hard??! i had a heck of a time. I had similar issues with the lines. I mean that your drawing dark on the edges, which is good, but your transition into the light areas are abrupt. I scratched alot of my drawings cuz I did the same thing.

  2. Hi Brandye, These are a good start, but I do have some suggestions on ways to make them even better. One the first drawing, make a little more variety in line spacing. Some of the lines seem to end abruptly on both drawings, where they go from dark to light too suddenly, so work on those gradual transitions from dark to light..that just takes some practice! I can tell you're trying to get that line variation which is great, those are just some ways to make it more effective. - Deb
