Thursday, May 10, 2012

Denise Wilson Cross Contour 2


  1. The contour on the shoe is great! Although a cross contour is not a grid it's a good way to make a base for your cross contour. Just allow the lines to bring your drawing to life.

    From: Riley McEuen

  2. Great job on the boot Denise. The heel's contour looks outstanding. Your lines are really really light though, but the drawing looks sooooo good. I love the top of the boot too, nicely rounded.

  3. Great job Denise! I really like the boot! Really good line variations. Connie

  4. Hi Denise, This is a much improved drawing! you've got the line quality down and it looks so much more 3D than the previous contours. Seems like you still need to add the cross contours though, which will make it more three dimensional. Let me know if you have any questions on how to do that. - Deb
