Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Nidia Riley Cross Hatching


  1. This is fantastic! The detail on the beans is amazing! Maybe your horizon line could be a bit darker but great job!

    From: Riley McEuen

  2. Great job Nidia! This looks so realistic. I can tell that you looked carefully at each M&M to see how the light was reflecting off of it. You also did great transitioning from dark to light on the bottle.

    From: Amanda Howard

  3. Wow Nidia! Great job! The variations between light and dark really make those M & M's stand out and look realistic. I love the little M & M guy on the container. Great detail and accuracy. Connie

  4. Hi Nidia, This is a good drawing as far as shading..but it was supposed to be done with the pens, which make it very different than using pencil. The use of value is fine, but you'll learn much more about cross hatching if you use the micron pens. Deb

    1. Whoops!! Sorry about not using a pen. I missed that part when I read.
