Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Delorious Wilson Contour Drawing 3 & 4


  1. Your lines look a little soft, but it could be because of the lighting. The tape really makes the drawing look three dimensional. Great job! Maybe just a little more depth in the second drawing.

    From: Riley McEuen

  2. These aren't due until tonight, so perhaps go back and see if you can make the lines a little darker on both. That will help to make it more three dimensional..it's a great start so far. Especially the tape dispenser - that would really benefit from darker lines. I also agree with Riley about the image quality. the tape dispenser fine, but the lighter got a little pixelated. - Deb Karpman

  3. I agree with both Riley on the line color. It is also hard for me to commit to darker lines because the aren't as forgiving as the lighter strokes. Keep up the good work. I wish that I could see the light better. It looks like you have alot of detail on the top where you would strike for the flame.

  4. Amanda, I could pull some tape from that dipenser right now, great job.

