Thursday, May 10, 2012

Riley McEuen Cross Contour 3&4

The one on the left is a cow shot glass and the one on the right is a cow figurine. I have a lot of cow stuff because of Purple Side. They are unique to say the least when it comes to shapes.


  1. Hey, hey, hey, hey Riley these are great. The lines, shading, and contour of the difficult shapes is so good. The depth of the cow's mouth is phenomenal. The dark lines gradually fade to the highlight or midpoint of each drawing. I also love Riley how you place both pictures on one piece of paper. The corners and edges are very good.

  2. Riley, Nice work!! These are great. Excellent line quality and good line direction. You could probably still get a little more variation in your line spacing. Overall, excellent work and great choice of objects! -Deb

  3. Riley, I love the objects that you chose to draw! Very creative. You did a really good job accurately portraying the cows. You also did a good job with varying your line quality. Great Job!

    From: Amanda Howard

  4. Great job Riley, your line quality is good

