Thursday, May 17, 2012

blk/wht drawing by Brandye Parrott


  1. Nice job Brandye. I like your mason jar. The rim is so good. Your midtones and highlights are very detailed.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I really like the objects you chose to use. You did a great job showing the highlights and mid-tones on both of the objects. Great Job!

    From: Amanda Howard

  4. Good job Brandy, you did an excellent job on the rimof the jar.


  5. Great job! Nice detail and highlights. I love the brush! Connie

  6. Hi Brandye, Good work on this. I have a couple suggestions of ways to make it stronger. First, look really closely at the shapes of those highlights. Often the highlights have really specific shapes which makes it more realistic. You definitely did a good job of showing the texture. I also wondered about the paintbrush...was it propped up on something or lying on a desk? If looks like it's floating a you could either show that it was propped up on something if it was, or show how it was sitting on the desk. It would fix the issue of perspective, which is just that we know that a paintbrush wouldn't stand up right by itself. Nice work with drawing the tops of both objects. - Deb

  7. It was actually laying on the desk beside the jar. I wasn't sure how to draw it laying down. I didn't think about it appearing to stand up!
