Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Amanda Howard: Cross Hatching


  1. Wow Amanda!! Great job!! Love the pumpkin and the string and the pliers! Lots of detail! The stem and the top of the pumpkin are perfect! The dark and light lines really show the curve of the spool of thread. Again -- great job! Connie

  2. Amanda all of your drawings have a WOW factor, just perfect!!!


  3. Seriously amazing. You have so many values represented here. The hatching is so detailed and your lines are very precise. Awesome.

  4. Great choice of objects! They are so unique and allow you to really show versatility! Maybe work a little on direction of line? Your submission is amazing as usual.

    From: Riley McEuen

  5. Amanda, This is great! Solid work. Very good selection of objects, especially the thread which delicately ties everything together. Nice line quality on all the objects, and excellent contrast! My only suggestion is to add shadows...that would really help because right now things seem to be floating a little bit. I think you particularly need a shadow under the pumpkin..it feels like it's levitating a little since it's further back from the foreground objects. To do shadows, what I'm suggesting to everyone is to use stippling, which is using dots to show the shadow. I'll send everyone some jpegs of what this looks like. There are some examples of this on the tutorial page but you have to click on them to see the detail well. Deb
