Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Denise Wilson Contour 3


  1. Denise, love the sunglasses!! The frame drawing and the sunglasses look very three-dimensional! I like the way you drew them both at an angle to to give them more depth. Great job! Connie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Denise, you did a great job creating a 3-dimensional illusion of the glasses. I agree with Connie, I really like the way you angled them to show more detail. Great Job!

    From: Amanda Howard

  4. Hi Denise, The angle is good. Are you using pencil though or charcoal? When I looked at the other one (this one is harder to tell), it looked to me like charcoal, which would explain why you're having a difficult time achieving line variation.

    Make sure you definitely use graphite pencil (4B or 6b), for both contour and cross contour...that will really help!!

