Friday, May 11, 2012

Connie Wyatt - Cross Contour 3 & 4


  1. Connie, I love the objects your chose to draw! Very creative. You did a very good job with the direction of the lines in the handle of the lent roller. Great Job on both drawings!

    From: Amanda Howard

  2. Once again Connie, you have ouy done yourself, your drawing are amazing.


  3. Interesting shapes! I would have never thought of them. Maybe make the line a little lighter in some parts of the coss grid. Other than that that looks great!

    From: Riley McEuen

  4. You really outdid yourself Connie. You are a natural at this. You can see the lines and depth in both of your drawings. I am amazed at the creative choices for your drawing. These are really good, I love the way the darkness in your lines show the shadows of the items as well. I am learning alot on these blogs. Keep up the GREAT work!

  5. Hi Connie, Nice choice of objects. Very good use of line spacing and line quality to create a three dimensional effect on both objects! -Deb
